Private Coaching Programs are offered in packages consisting of a select quantity of sessions rather than a required number of sessions per month, thereby allowing the client to schedule sessions as often or as infrequently as they prefer (although it is recommended that sessions be conducted at least twice per month). The minimum number of sessions is 4, with additional packages offered in quantities of 6, 8, 12, or 18 sessions (the more sessions purchased and paid for in advance, the lower the cost per session). Clients who choose to re-enroll may do so for as few as 3 sessions at a time; yet it is recommended that they take advantage of the re-enrollment discounts and commit to at least six. Discounts are also extended to referrals, as well as to those whom refer new clients.
Private Coaching Calls are conducted approximately every 10 days, however, many clients prefer one call per week – while others prefer one every 2 weeks. When starting out, it is recommended that the client schedule a call at least every 10 days until momentum is achieved before dropping back to twice per month, if at all. It is also recommended that clients commit to at least 6 sessions, although this depends upon the outcome(s) they are looking to achieve. NOTE: Clients will be required to complete the Coaching Questionnaire prior to their first session.
Michael is dedicated to providing maximum value while supporting each client to achieve their outcome(s) as rapidly as possible – and leaves it fully up to the client to express when and to what degree this value is being realized. Therefore, there are NO long-term contracts nor formal agreements required, as the client is free to declare at which point they have achieved their outcome(s). Note: clients will be required to read and concur with the Disclaimer Statement.
A typical private coaching session lasts for 50 minutes, although first calls may last 60 minutes. Clients are expected to initiate each call at a pre-agreed-upon time (800-407-1707) and are responsible for being prompt. If the client is unable to make the call, 24 hour advance notice is both requested and required – although Michael does not charge private clients for missed calls (except retro-actively if a client should choose to leave coaching for any reason).
Refund Policy: Although the vast majority of Michael’s clients choose to complete their packages and often re-enroll even after they’ve accomplished their initial objectives, should a private client choose to leave coaching before completing all of their sessions, then any remaining sessions will be refunded on a pro- rated basis; adjusted to the full-price/per-session cost, based on the total number of sessions that were actually provided. Also, although Michael typically forgives missed sessions for private clients (and even counts over-time sessions as a single session), any missed, pro-bono, or extended sessions will be recorded and subtracted from any refundable amount due should a private client opt out early for any reason.
99% of coaching is conducted via phone or Skype, as Michael coaches clients all over the world! For best results, it is suggested that the client call from a location where they may enjoy privacy and be able to take notes.
Michael’s SKYPE Contact name: Coach Michael