People will tell you, “You’re too small.” “You’re not talented.” “You’re not attractive.” “You’re divorced and will never meet anyone.” “You’ll never lose that weight.”
When negative, discouraging thoughts come trying to contaminate your mind, just Hit The Delete Button before they start affecting how you live.
That thought says, You’ve seen your best days. It’s all downhill from here. Recognize that’s negative thoughts are trying to keep you from your destiny. It’s real simple. Delete. Say to yourself, “I’m not dwelling on that.
You’ll never get well. You saw the medical report. Delete. Replace it by saying, “My health is coming back to me.”
You’ll never accomplish your dreams. You’re not that talented. You don’t have what it takes. Delete. Delete. Delete. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Whatever I touch prospers and succeeds.”
You’ll never break that addiction. Your father was an alcoholic, and you’ll be one, too. Delete. If you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to get good at; Hitting The Delete Button.
When I became a Life Coach, every thought told me, You can’t do this, Michael. You don’t know how to coach. You’re too old. You don’t have the experience. Nobody is going to come. It would have been easy to let those thoughts take root and keep me from my destiny. I did what I’m asking you to do. I kept: Hitting The Delete Button. You can’t do it. Delete. You’re too old. Delete. Nobody is going to come. Delete. You don’t have the experience. Delete. It’s not going to work out. Delete. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t become an expert at: Hitting The Delete Button.
Guard Your Mind.
You control the doorway to what you allow in. You can dwell on every negative thought and every derogatory comment, or you can choose to delete it. If I had let those negative thoughts play over and over in my mind, they would have contaminated my confidence, contaminated my self-esteem, and contaminated my future.
Why don’t you start hitting the delete button? Quit dwelling on every negative thought that comes to your mind. That’s the enemy trying to contaminate your mind. If he can control your thinking, he can control your whole life. If the thought is negative, discouraging, pushing you down, don’t dwell on it. Delete It. Pay attention to what you’re thinking. If you go around thinking that you’re not talented, you’ll never have the confidence to step into your destiny. If you think you’re unattractive, you’ll never meet the people you were supposed to meet. If you think you can’t break the addiction, you can’t. If you think you’ve reached your limits, you have. It’s not because you can’t go further. You’ve just convinced yourself that you can’t.
The good news is that it’s not too late. Here’s a key: You have to clear out all the negative things people have said about you.
You are not who people say you are.
Clear out the negative things that the coach or the teacher said about you. “You’re too small. You don’t have what it takes.” Delete It. Quit dwelling on that. You’re the right size. You have exactly what you need for the race that’s been designed for you. You have to clear out all the negative things people have said about you.
Clear out what the counselor said. “You’re just a C student. You’re not college material.” Delete It. You’re an A student. You have seeds of greatness. Clear out what the ex-boyfriend or the ex-spouse said. “You’re not attractive. You’re not good enough for me.” Delete It. You’re a masterpiece, one of a kind, beautiful, attractive, a prized possession. You may have to clear out what a parent said about you. “You’re so undisciplined. You’re never going to amount to much. You can’t do anything right.” Delete It. You are destined to do great things. You’re destined to leave your mark on this generation.
Just because somebody spoke those labels over you doesn’t mean they are the truth.
Do you need to remove any labels? The label “divorced”— I’ll never meet anyone new. The label, “overweight”— I’ll never get in shape. The label, “addicted”— I’ll never break these bad habits.
Whatever label you’re wearing, you’re going to become what that label says. You’re giving that thought the power to shape and control how you live.
This is why some people can’t break an addiction. They’re wearing the label, “addict.” The real battle is taking place in your mind. If you think you’re an addict, you will live as an addict. You have to change the label. You are clean. You are healthy. You are whole. Don’t go the next twenty years wearing the “addict” label. Put on some new labels today.
Just because somebody spoke those labels over you doesn’t mean they are the truth. You have the power to remove those negative labels.
If you go around thinking negatively you will never have the confidence to step into your destiny.
I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t become an expert at: Hitting The Delete Button.
Why Don’t You Start Hitting The Delete Button?
If you are ready to get everything you can from yourself and your life right now, it’s time to get started.
You will be amazed how much is possible for you with the right tools, techniques, skills, guidance and support of a Life Coach. Take the critical steps necessary to experience Unbridled Success and Limitless Potential.
Don’t wait any longer to build the life you deserve.
Contact Michael or call for a complimentary 15 minute consultation to find out if Enhanced Life Coaching is the right fit to harness your power and accelerate positive transformation.